Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Which favors of God would you Deny - atheist

Denying that nothing exist,
But some thing and you exist,
Denying that nothing exist
But he, her & your thought exist
Denying that nothing exist
But sun, moon and you exist
Denying that nothing exist
But earth, water, air and you exist
Denying that nothing exist
But memories, emotions and you exist
Denying that nothing exist
But that cat, dog, cow and you exist
Denying that nothing exist
But pen, paper and you exist
Denying that nothing exist
But Temple, Church, Masjid and you exist
Denying that nothing exist
But i, God and you exist
Which favors of God would you Deny*.

Holy Quran – Surah Rahman


Not mocking but giving reason. to think!!!

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